Friday, March 7, 2025

Vive In Aeternum


Hayley was collecting water when she saw her Divine leader coming towards her, she had been in the ‘Aeternum’ Cult for some years now and had devoted her life to serving Divine leader Olaf and other members of his High Council. 

“I am in need of you” said the Olaf as he looked down at Hayley who had drop to her knees as soon as Olaf had spoken smashing her vase of water.  

“My Divine Leader I am now and forever in your service, what do you require?” Said Hayley shaking a little she was nervous she had never been spoken to by Olaf before. 

“I have been watching you and decided you will be perfect for my next vessel” 

Olaf pulled Hayley to her feet and began examining her body. 

“Vessel?” She said, Olaf smiled at her and spoke. 

“This body is old and frail, I need a new body in order for the ‘Aeternum’ to continue I must be able to live forever and I choose your fine body as my next vessel, you should be honoured” said Olaf. 

Hayley was crying now and hugged Olaf. 

“It will be my honour Oh great one, you may have my body I am your servant and believe in you oh powerful one!!!” 

Olaf and Hayley stood there hands both on the massive orb that sat in the middle of the room, the orb started the glow brighter and brighter until Hayley was on the floor looking up at her own body which stood there looking down at her, she was so happy to have gifted the Divine leader her life as she was lifted and carried from the room. 

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